29th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
XХIХ International Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists «Lomonosov» is organized within the framework of the International Scientific Youth Forum "Lomonosov-2021" in April 2022. The Conference will be held in a mixed format.
The official website of the Conference is lomonosov-msu.ru. The website provides general information about the Conference, the topics and the structure of each section, abstract style guidelines and the system of electronic registration.
The Conference is divided into the following sections:
1. Alternatives to digitalization of public administration
2. Art
3. Asian and African Studies
4. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
5. Biology
6. Broadcasting
7. Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
8. Business Management in the Digital Economy
9. Chemistry
10. Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
11. Cultural Policy and Humanitarian Governance
12. Economics
13. Foreign Languages and Area Studies
14. Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials
15. Fundamental Medicine
16. Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes
17. Geography
18. Geology
19. Globalistics and Geopolitics
20. History and Art History
21. Innovative Economics and Econometrics
22. Innovative Natural Resources Management
23. Journalism
24. Law Sciences
25. Mathematics and Mechanics
26. Philology
27. Philosophy. Cultural studies. Religious studies
28. Physics
29. Political Science
30. Problems of preserving the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation
31. Psychology
32. Public Administration
33. Public relations and theory of communication
34. Social Studies and Modernity
35. Sociology
36. Soil Science
37. Space Research in the Modern Context
38. State Audit
39. Teacher Education and Educational Technologies
40. Teaching Russian language and fundamental subjects to foreign students
41. Theory, History and Methodology of Translation
42. World Politics
Also within the framework of the Vernadsky scientific and educational consortia uniting Moscow State University, several regional universities, research institutes and socially oriented federal and regional business, regional platforms of the XХIХ International Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists “Lomonosov” were organized:
- Vernadsky – Sarov
- Vernadsky - Kazan
- Vernadsky - Ulyanovsk region
- Vernadsky - Tambov region
- Vernadsky - Udmurtia
- Vernadsky - Chechen Republic
- Vernadsky - Kuzbass
- Vernadsky - Altai Territory
- Vernadsky – Oryol
- Vernadsky – Krasnoyarsk Territory
Official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. The Conference welcomes students (specialists, bachelors and masters), postgraduate students and young scientists from any country of the world under the age of 35 – including students, postgraduates and staff of universities and academic institutions from Russia and abroad.
The term young scientists refers to postgraduates, lecturers and assistant professors. The participation of Ph.D. and D. Sc. is regulated according to the distinction traditionally accepted in Russia: Professors and Doctors of Science cannot participate even if they are younger than 36 years old while the participation of the Candidates of Science under the age of 35 is restricted by the decisions of the Organizing Committees of particular sub-sessions.
If the research presented at the Conference is done in co-authorship, each of the co-authors should meet the standard requirements given above. Co-authorship with an academic supervisor is not allowed but providing special thanks to your academic supervisor as a comment is most welcome. The number of co-authors is determined by the Organizing Committees of each particular session.
Those wishing to participate in the Conference should submit their proposal/abstract to the organizing committee STRICKTLY through the electronic registration system before 9th of March 2022 (inclusive). Applications received by email are neither considered nor registered.
Expert examination and competitive selection of applications are performed by the expert councils of the Conference’s sessions headed by leading scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University in t. Selected participants receive the notification of acceptance by the Organizing Committee based upon the decision of the expert councils no later than three weeks prior to the start of the Conference.
An electronic collection with all the abstracts (with ISBN) is distributed to the participants of the Conference. Besides the abstracts are posted on the official website of the Conference.
The authors of the most outstanding reports are awarded honorary diplomas of the Conference upon the proposal of the expert councils.